**tf Finance Pus is now available for free!**
tf Finance is a simple yet powerful finance tracking application that can be used to track day-to-day expenses.
The application provides you with an option of managing multiple accounts at one time, with custom categories and every expense record can be associated with a descriptive text that can help you recall details about an expense that you might have made a long time back.
Plus version features:
* Adjustable two pane layout in landscape
* Animated interface
* Optimized performance
* Improved support for tablets
** Tf Keuangan Pus sekarang tersedia secara gratis! **
tf Keuangan adalah aplikasi pelacakan keuangan sederhana namun kuat yang dapat digunakan untuk melacak pengeluaran sehari-hari.
Aplikasi ini menyediakan Anda dengan pilihan untuk mengelola beberapa account pada satu waktu, dengan kategori kustom dan setiap catatan biaya dapat dikaitkan dengan teks deskriptif yang dapat membantu Anda mengingat detail-detail tentang beban yang Anda mungkin telah membuat waktu yang lama kembali.
Ditambah fitur versi:
* Adjustable tata letak dua pane dalam lanskap
* Animated antarmuka
* Kinerja Dioptimalkan
* Peningkatan dukungan untuk tablet
**tf Finance Pus is now available for free!**
tf Finance is a simple yet powerful finance tracking application that can be used to track day-to-day expenses.
The application provides you with an option of managing multiple accounts at one time, with custom categories and every expense record can be associated with a descriptive text that can help you recall details about an expense that you might have made a long time back.
Plus version features:
* Adjustable two pane layout in landscape
* Animated interface
* Optimized performance
* Improved support for tablets